Patient Information

If you are 50 or older, have one or more close relatives with colon or rectal cancer, or have had pre-cancerous polyps, ask your doctor about earlier colorectal cancer screening! Please contact our office for an appointment.

Be Prepared: This is your body and your life

How to Make the Most of Your Doctor's Visit

Office visits are generally scheduled for thirty minutes except for complicated cases; therefore, both doctor and patient need to be as efficient as possible to get the most out of that time. Here is how you can help your physician understand your health:

Before Your Doctor's Visit: Prepare the Facts

Patients should prepare a list of current medications and medical history before their doctor's visit. Also, prepare a list of recent tests, ER visits, and hospital visits. Bring a copy of your latest test results with you to your visit.

Know your medical history

As the patient you need to know your medical history and your family's. Your doctor needs to know about old or current medical problems, even if they are not the reason you are going to the doctor this time.

Current medications

Make a list of prescription drugs as well as any over-the-counter medicines you may have been taking. If you are uncertain you can ask your local pharmacist for a print-out of all your medications.

Bring test results from other doctors or specialists you've seen. Be sure to include the doctor's contact information: phone numbers, fax number and address. The doctor has to make sure any treatment works with what your other doctors are recommending.

Prior to the Visit: Making decisions about your health

Think about what you want to get out of the visit. This is the time to gather your thoughts and to understand your health issues. Make a list of questions you want to ask the doctor. If your condition is complicated you might consider writing down all the symptoms you have been experiencing. It is very important to talk openly with your doctor.

Seeing the Doctor

Patients should arrive 15 minutes prior to their scheduled appointment to complete any pre-appointment registration or updates. If you have medical insurance, be sure to take any insurance cards with you to the visit. This is the time you have prepared for and you should begin by telling your physicians your symptoms.

You must try to be as specific as possible because every part of your health information is important in order for your doctor to diagnose your condition. Your doctor needs your symptoms, personal history, family history and other facts to determine your diagnoses.

Your doctor will now try to answer you questions and provide what treatment is possible for you. The doctor might order tests and a follow-up appointment.